M. Lastie & Associates, LLC

Safety and Health Consultants


Every company is in business to make a profit.  MLA believes that in order for a company to be profitable, they need the following three basic things as outlined in our “Profit Triangle” to the right.


Production:  You need to provide a product that a customer will want or need.

Quality:  You will need a quality assurance program in place to ensure that your customers are consistently receiving a quality product or otherwise they won’t buy from you.

Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE): You will need an effective SHE program in place to ensure that your employees are not injured while they produce your product and also no damage to the environment is done in the production of your product.


MLA is here to help you with the “SHE” side of the Profit Triangle. The Occupational Safety and Health Act requires that each employer furnish to each of its employees a workplace that is free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm.  At a minimum that means developing safety and health programs that comply with OSHA regulations that are applicable to your business. 

Companies may not have the safety and health staff and/or lack expertise in certain safety and health subjects.  MLA has the staff and expertise to help you develop, implement and maintain an effective SHE program.
